Grades 4-7
The Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement is implemented. The curriculum is taught in keeping with a Christian ethos as the majority of our parents are Christians. This is probably one of the few Christian schools that offer an integrated syllabus with DOE and the Word of God. Bible Studies is taught as part of our Life Skills programme. Learners are bridged adequately from Grade 3 into Grade 4 with a class based teacher to ensure learners are secure and initiated smoothly into the intermediate phase. Learners are given a choice between Afrikaans and Zulu as a first additional language. Opportunities for learners to develop beyond the classroom are provided through excursions, camps, Life Orientation and Computer Studies. Music, Art, Library and Physical Education are included in the curriculum. The school boasts a fantastic new computer room, library and Art Centre. Readers are Leaders” is an extra support programme for learners who are experiencing problems with reading and home language. An excellent computer programme called Purple Mash where learners can work online at school and continue their work at home, provides additional work for all learning areas.
Dance is a paid optional afternoon activity. A wide range of sporting codes with detailed fixtures are offered such swimming, cricket, soccer, netball, touch rugby and hockey. Learners are encouraged to participate in at least one code per term. Coaching standards are maintained by the use of a qualified coach. The school is affiliated to the KZN Christian Schools Sports Association and learners compete externally and are given the opportunity to represent the school nationally. Our girls are also involved in the Seniors Inter-School Action Netball and compete with other private schools on a weekly basis. Teachers are given term planners and assessment requirements for the new term from the office at the end of every term. Teachers in turn do an assessment schedule for each grade with tests and deadlines of all assignments and projects for the term, so that learners are well prepared.
- Assessments are continuous and a variety of methods are used. Assessments strategy involves the Blooms and Barrets taxonomy which includes a variety of different levels of questioning.
- Assessment schedules are given to learners with tests/assignment dates every term.
- Exams are written twice a year, in June and December.
- Learners write the Amesa maths and Science Olympiad as well as ANA from the DOE.
- Pre and post -moderation of all assessments takes place.
- Learner’s progress is communicated every term via written reports and two parent interviews.
Intersen : Extra Curricular